
Help West Hill Pond

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Lake Owner Responsibilities


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WHPA offers seasonal part time jobs as an Invasive Investigator Monitor. A prerequisite for the job is to take an on-line virtual training class. See link here:

Invasive Investigator Monitor Training

Job Description – West Hill Pond Boat Launch Invasive Investigator Monitor (1-09-25)

This part-time position involves greeting and talking with boaters, swimmers and paddlers using the state boat launch to raise awareness of and compliance with state regulations requiring boaters and others to check their boats, kayaks, and paddleboards before launching. The goal is to keep West Hill Pond as clean as it currently is and to make lake users aware of the dangers of introducing invasive weeds and other undesirable aquatic species to West Hill Pond.

The person selected for this position will need the following qualifications:

  • Enthusiasm for protecting the environment.
  • Good interpersonal and communication skills.
  • Knowledge of state boating laws and ability to convey applicable ones to boaters.
  • Completion of State of CT Invasive Investigator Monitor Training program.
  • Ability to complete required, minimal paperwork for monitoring purposes.
  • Dependability and ability to communicate with coordinator and WHPA Trustee(s) as needed.

Tentative schedule for 2025: (Available Shifts)

2025 Pre-Memorial Day schedule: Saturdays and Sundays 9AM – 2PM (weather permitting)

Wednesdays: 4-7PM (Beginning after July 4 and through Labor Day)

Thursdays: 4 – 7 PM

Fridays: 3 – 7:30PM

Saturdays: 2 shifts—8AM until 1PM; 1PM until 7PM

Sundays & Holidays (Memorial & Labor Day) : 2 shifts: 8AM to 1PM; 1 to 7PM

If you cannot cover your assigned shift, please contact one of the other monitors to cover for you.

If it rains during your shift and you have started to work, you will be paid for your full shift. If your full shift is cancelled due to rain, then you will not be paid. IF the sun comes out later, you can return to cover the remaining time.

If at least half the time is left then you will be paid for the full shift; if not, submit the hours worked on your timesheet. If you are unsure about what to do, text the coordinator of this program.

ATTIRE: Must wear yellow Invasive Investigator tee shirt. Suggest bringing warm clothes in case the weather changes. Also, bring water, some food, a chair, wear sunscreen, and bring insect repellent. Be sure to have monitoring forms!

BOAT LAUNCH RULES: There’s an 8 HP limit from Memorial Day through September 15 and a 15 MPH speed limit on West Hill Pond. No water skiing or towing anything behind a boat. Refer boaters to the posted signs on the fence on the left side of the launch if they question HP or speed limit. You are not there to enforce rules only to inform and educate.

PLASTIC BAGS: Please bring a few Ziploc bags and a couple of other plastic bags. If a boater has weeds on their boat, motor, trailer or finishing gear, please put the weeds in a plastic bag and dispose of them off-site in a regular garbage pail. If you suspect a weed might be invasive (see DEEP list with photos), then save the weed(s) in a Ziploc bag and contact Beth Tripp (860) 306-3773 by text or phone.

TRASH: Remind boaters to not dump trash/bottles/cans in the lake. Take out what they bring in.

PAPERWORK: Per Christine Hayward’s emails, please submit your timesheets/hours worked directly to her.

INSPECTION FORMS: Save for Mary who will collect completed forms from you. Be sure to enter the dates; you can use one form for multiple dates. This year, we may buy tablets to submit paperwork electronically.

COMMUNICATION: If a boater gives you a hard time, do not argue with the person. If their motor is oversized (above 8HP), try to discreetly get their boat registration information, type of boat and any other pertinent information, and call DEEP Enforcement at (860) 424-3333. Do not get into a conflict with anyone at the launch.

If interested in applying, please email: