
Help West Hill Pond

Volunteer / Help Out

Lake Owner Responsibilities


What's New?


How You Can Help

Consider volunteering!

The Invasive Investigator Monitor Program for volunteers is designed specifically to help educate individuals on ways to keep our waters clean and prevent the spread of aquatic hitchhikers into the lakes and rivers of Connecticut. A volunteer Invasive Investigator Monitor will check for invasive species and collect information about where boats have been, if any invasive species were found, and what, if any, cleaning steps were done prior to launch of a watercraft.

A prerequisite to volunteering is to take a brief training session. See link below on how you can register for this training session. Class schedules will be updated each year.

Invasive Investigator Monitor Training

Other ways to volunteer:

Volunteer to check storm drains in the watershed to ensure they are clear of debris.

Do you have a special skill or interest you would like to dedicate to our efforts? We’d love to know more!

Email us at: